Serling Centennial Celebration
Creature Night at the Rumble Ponies  

 June 14, 2024, was Creature Night at Rumble Ponies- FASST had a table in
conjunction with the Serling Foundation to advertise Serling upcoming events.
We had shown a sample of our Serling episodes artwork-

Ann Serling, daughter of Rod Serling, was available for book signing- the book “As I Knew Him, My Dad, Rod Serling” - she sold out. You can purchase it at Branes & Nobles or wait until September & ask her to sigh your copy !

The Serling Foundation table also had  Andrew Polak  and author Nickolas Parisi with his book "Rod Serling His Life, Work and Imagination"  He also sold out his books.
FASST has been approved to use the inside of Recreation Park carousel to
Show our works on September 15, 2024. The Serling celebration is
September 13, 14, and 15. On the 15th, the statue of Rod Serling is being unveiled also.

The Board is also working with other venues to host our show during the next several months.

Below are a few photos: 

FASST signage 

two signs for our table

Jan Wood

behind her painting

Joy McMicken & Jan Wood 

talking about .....

Serling Memorial Foundation  table

Joy McMicken talking with the author Nickolas Parisi

Three artists representing FASST

Janice Wood (L) Joy McMicken (M) 
Mark Green (R) 

Different view of our table

three paintings, in middle,  are from episodes from The Twilight Zone with the two smaller paintings are 'creatures' because its  "Creature Night" ! 

John & Janice Wood interview by Ben Cabot ll on "My Father's Advice"

FASST  Interview 

Janice & John Wood had the privilege to be interviewed  about FASST  by Ben Cabot ll on his show "My Father's Advice" ( airs every Thursday on BU's radio station WHRW FM 90.5  )

Please follow the link below to listen to the interview:                                                                                  October 2023